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Last updated: JUNE 10 2020

With the issues of health and safety rightly at the forefront of everyone’s mind, the wellbeing of our passengers, drivers and employees is Daddy Cabs Ltd's number one priority.

We continue to offer a full service to all passengers and customers for your essential travel needs and delivery services during this period. In line with UK Government advice, we have a clear set of guidelines around managing the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and protecting our people, passengers, and Network drivers, whilst we maintain service continuity.

This policy has been updated following the UK Government’s announcement on 23 March 2020 of additional measures to manage the spread of COVID-19, but may be subject to amendment given the changing nature of this issue.



At the core of our policy is an adherence to Public Health England (PHE) guidelines – issued by the UK Government and regularly updated.


  • While we continue to provide a full service to passengers, we are asking passengers to ensure their journey is essential before booking.

  • We are continuously reinforcing PHE precautions to our drivers and employees to help prevent the spreading of COVID-19.

  • We are asking passengers to follow the UK Government and PHE/NHS guidelines and ensure they are not exhibiting symptoms associated with COVID-19 before they book with us, and stating this in the booking flow.

  • We are asking employees to work from home unless it is essential that they come in for their role. Within the office, we are facilitating social distancing.

  • We are requiring drivers who are exhibiting symptoms associated with the Coronavirus – high temperature or a dry cough – to stay at home.



Daddy Cabs Ltd is following PHE guidance on the delivery of post and parcels, which currently states that there is no known risk that people can contract COVID-19 through receiving parcels. However, as a precautionary measure, if you are receiving a parcel or package direct to your home, our couriers will knock on your door or alert you to their arrival, place your parcel on the doorstep and step away to a safe distance of 2 meters so that you can collect it personally. They will log your receipt of the parcel themselves and you won’t have to sign for it. If you are receiving a parcel in a workplace environment, our couriers will leave the parcel with an appropriate member of staff, such as a receptionist or security guard, following the same safety procedures.


We understand that people may have concerns about traveling in the hackney carriage/private hire vehicles during this time.

We can assure you that as well as following PHE advice, Daddy Cabs Ltd has put its own measures in place, including 3 inside-and-out car washes each week.

We also have an infectious disease policy and believe we have robust contingency measures in place to ensure continuity of service in the case of the further spread of COVID-19.

Daddy Cabs Ltd will continue to monitor PHE advice closely and stands ready to make necessary changes to help protect our passengers, employees, and our drivers.

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